Raymond Bussières-搜索结果

  • 虐并快乐着 Sérieux comme le plaisir


    导演:Robert Benayoun   编剧:Robert Benayoun, 让-克劳德·卡里埃尔

    主演:Jane Birkin, Richard Leduc, Raymond Bussières, Isabelle Huppert, Georges Mansart, Hubert Deschamps

      In Serieux Comme le Plaisir, two men and a woman live quite happily together in a romantic liaison. The woman is probably wealthy anyway, so the trio doesn't worry much about money. One day they decide to take a trip in their beat-up car, managing the whole affair in their own special, insouciant manner. They are followed by a suspicious policeman who thinks there's something f...

  • 刑事法庭 Justice est faite


    导演:安德烈·卡耶特   编剧:安德烈·卡耶特, 夏尔·斯巴克

    主演:Michel Auclair, Antoine Balpêtré, Raymond Bussières, Jacques Castelot, Jean Debucourt, Jean-Pierre Grenier

      这部影片是法国导演Andre Cayatte 1950年之力作,为1950年法国电影空洞时期填补了一定的空白。